Friday, October 23, 2009

A Lame-Ass Article in Chatelaine

Check out his completely misguided article on peanut allergies in this months’ Chatelaine.

While ill-informed author Patricia Pearson states “in search of a little clarity, (she) dove into the science,” I’m skeptical. I’m no expert on peanut allergy myself, and am not going to rebut her article point by point. That’s better left to the real professionals; Anaphylaxis Canada has prepared an excellent response.

What I do know is that articles like this one – that suggest the threat of peanut allergies are overblown and that parents are overzealous in protecting their children - can be extremely dangerous; it undermines the education process that is so vital in keeping kids safe. My son’s peanut allergy is a real and ever present danger in his life.

The real thing that pisses me off about this article is that the author seems to think her son’s ability to take a peanut butter sandwich to school trumps another kid’s safety. Peanut allergy isn’t like other food allergies. A child with severe peanut allergy can have an anaphylactic reaction to a trace amount, making a sticky substance like peanut butter that’s hard to get rid of extremely dangerous in a school setting.

I know that one day DJ will have to manage his food allergy on his own. Already, my husband and I are doing everything we can to teach him to stay safe. Surely, by the time he goes to school the lessons will be well-ingrained. Still, some community support – in the form of peanut-free schools – is needed when kids are too young to really understand the deadly implications.

Funny…The impetus behind the article seems to be the pickiness of the author’s son, whose diet is limited to one kind of pasta and peanut butter. The irony that she caters to his obvious food neuroses while damning the restrictive peanut policies in schools seems completely lost on her.

Of course, the author seems completely stuck in her own bubble. How else could she think that the only benefit of the Mars bar peanut-free marketing campaign is to the maker of Mars itself; what about the benefit to PA sufferers who can rely on Mars for a peanut-free snack?

I’ve read a couple of dubiously researched and one-sided articles in Chatelaine, but this one really takes the cake. Unless the magazine prints the rebuttal from Anaphylaxis Canada to balance out this garbage I won't be picking this magazine up again.


  1. Not okay. This article was so upsetting to me. I too hope Chatelaine posts an apology for this short-sighted article. My son does not have a peanut allergy and his school is a nut free school; he knows that PBJ sandwiches are a weekend treat and understands why. Keep up the good work.

  2. This article made me sooooooooo upset! I can't remember the last time something in print made me that furious! Check out my rant at:
