Tuesday, December 15, 2009

NAFTA Nut Free Gingerbread Kits!

Thanks to Jennifer B for the tip on NAFTA Gingerbread kits; they are indeed peanut free!

Here's the response from the company that I received earlier today:

Thank you for your inquiry.

NAFTA is indeed a Nut Free facility but I would suggest the following with respect to the Kits.

We manufacture the icing and cookies in our facility but purchase the candies in bulk from outside, Nut Free vendors. However my suggestion, to be absolutely certain at all times, it to purchase candies with which you have a 100% certainty and with which you have previous experience. Use those candies along with our icing and House to do your kit.

Vice President, Sales and Marketing
NAFTA Foods and Packaging Inc.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I love it when I can share helpful info! Thanks for checking it out!

    Glad those NAFTA kits are still an option. :) I remember feeling a bit envious of my Canadian friends for being able to get those in the days before peanut/nut free gingerbread houses here!

    Hope you can find them nearby--I think they were pretty reasonably priced!

    Best wishes, Jennifer B
