Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Like probably everybody, I make a bunch of resolutions each New Years that I never keep. When I started this blog. my intention was to highlight safe places to eat out with peanut allergy. Looking back over my blog posts though, I realize how few times we've actually eaten out with DJ since his allergy was diagnosed. As much as we were determined to not let his allergy change our lifestyle, it's had a profound impact in lots of ways. We rarely eat out anymore, and have travelled far less than we normally would. To be honest, we're both terrified of travelling with him; eating out in Toronto is challenging enough. Toss in another language, and eating out three meals a day just seems too daunting.

In some ways, eating out and travelling less has been positive. We've eaten at home more, which means, for the most part, healthier eating choices and less discretionary income spent, freeing up cash for other things.

Still, we both miss our old habits. One resolution to maintain DJ's safety is too simply get our babysitter in more often - at least once a month - so that we can enjoy a night out without worrying about food allergies. A second is to simply find more safe places to eat out.

So, with that in mind, any suggestions for safe eating would be greatly appreciated. Bring 'em on!

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