Friday, October 29, 2010

Handling Halloween Safely

Alot of my co-workers, knowing about DJ's allergy, have asked if he'll be allowed to trick or treat this year. I'm telling them what I keep telling myself; that as long we don't allow him to eat anything before we get home, check and separate the safe from the not safe treats, I don't see any reason why not. Halloween has got to be one of the funnest holidays for kids, and there is no way I want DJ to miss it. I do think, in years to come, we may have to develop strategies to ensure he doesn't feel burnt when we have to take away some of his candy. But at this stage, I'm sure he'll be happy enough to simply go door to door in his super-cute fireman costume, collecting candy.

One thing we will do to try to minimze any potential dangers is to watch what goes into this bag in the first place so we can pull dangerous items out right away; one of us will be carrying a 'not safe' bag for that.

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