Make sure to check the correct country of origin website when looking up allergen information for a restaurant you may want to visit. I naturally default to .com when accessing most websites.
In the case of Pizza Hut, my mistake could have been a serious one. Before calling up the Pembroke location I blogged about yesterday, I accessed The allergen table indicated no peanuts or tree nuts in most of the products but warned that peanuts or nuts may be present in common manufacturing facilities. It didn't specify which menu items could be contaminated, so I called to ask the manager on duty. I didn't feel satisfied the pizza was safe, so we declined to order.
However, a look at the comments on alerted me to the difference between the Canadian and US operations. A visit to the
Canadian site reveals that nearly all of of the crusts are indeed manufactured on a line that also produces products that contain peanuts and/or nuts.
To me, this just reinforces how cautious one has to be when dealing with peanut allergy and how important it is to do your own research and ask questions when in doubt.
Always do your own research.