With the weather in Toronto sizzling over the last week, I've been concerned about the health of
DJ's epi-pens.
Their temperature range is somewhat limited; that is, they can't get too hot, or too cold.
Normally, they sit on our kitchen counter. I like to keep them both handy and visible, so it's easier to
remember them when leaving the house. But with the
humidex making it feel like it's hotter than hell (really, hotter than 40), I've been worried that the pens will spoil. Apparently, an 'off'
epi-pen will look discolored. I've checked
DJ's and they look normal to me, but I'm sort of wondering just how discolored they get.
I'm going to try a little experiment. We have two expired
epi-pens that we've been waiting to
administer to an orange.
DJ's allergist suggested we do so to get a feel for really administering the pen, instead of just using the practice one. Before I do that, I'm going to let them simmer in our car for a couple of days to see if they really do turn colour to indicate spoilage.
I'll post pictures of a car-baked pen beside one that's been sitting on our kitchen counter once the experiment is over. And then, we'll get that orange out.